More Barcelona and a little Paris

AHHH, I'm so behind. I thought I would be blogging my head off, and instead I've been out actually doing things. So, that's great, right, because otherwise, this would be boring as hell. Speaking of hell, it has been ridiculously hot here; so hot and bright I am rocking the Rocky Raccoon look. So cool. Anyway, I would also like to apologize for the lack of photos. Blogging using my iPad mini has been less than smooth, and it's been hard getting the pictures where I want them. I am posting sort of regularly on Instagram if you'd like to follow there.

OK, so, I loved Barcelona; I thought the people were wonderful and friendly, and even when they didn't speak English, we mostly understood each other. I took a few organized tours, otherwise, I just wandered around (I say that like I planned it, but you know I didn't). I had a morning tour of La Sagrada Familia, designed mainly by Antonio Gaudi, and went up in one of the towers, Normally I don't do tours like that, but this was really well done; I could have done without the American family who seemed to think they were in charge. The guide was great and lots of information; it is an amazing building, but it won't be done until 2026. I also took an afternoon tour around the Gothic Quarter, which was very interesting; I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it was nice to wander around the small alleyways with a guide because someone I know would have gotten lost. I wish I had more time to explore, but time is fleeting. It was hot. Did I mention it was hot? Shit. This is why I like to travel in the autumn, Phil Collins. I didn't try as much tapas as I would have liked, but that's because I don't get so hungry in the heat.

On to Paris. I am staying in Bercy, which is not in the center of Paris, but only about 1.5 km away (easy by bus, which I just figured out yesterday). The hotel is pretty minimalistic; it seems like it was designed by IKEA. It's not a bad thing, but instead of a chair, I have a stool, which is not conducive for trying to type a blog. There is a shopping center attached, and I wandered around yesterday. I'm getting ahead of myself. the whole reason for this excursion is to see Phil Collins who is playing at the arena about 1 km away. That experience will be in another entry because I am also seeing him tonight.

I have heard people say, sometimes to me, that they didn't like Paris, the people were rude, or didn't speak English, or whatever. I get that, if you have a bad experience anywhere, it can affect how much you like or don't like a place. This is my second time here, and I think I like it even more. My French is enough to begin a conversation,and then I get flustered and just go into English. I also love the food, at least the boulangerie et le patisserie. I had the most buttery croissant for breakfast this morning, with hot chocolate. Mmm. I'm not sure what people expect when they come here (or any foreign country), but you know, bring an extra dose of patience, because the lines get long (the tours that let you skip the line can really be worth the price), and they do security bag checks almost everywhere, even the hop on, hop off boat. I wasn't sure how I would feel coming back, you see, the last time I was here, on my last night in Paris, I got the news that my dad died. I didn't want to be morose, and he wouldn't want that either, and my mom has been so excited for this trip, that I feel relieved and glad that I have enjoyed myself.

I'll leave you here as I get ready for the second Phil Collins concert. Off to Scotland via Amsterdam tomorrow morning. Bon soir.


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