Farewell to London after a quick visit

I love London and manage to do something different and stay in different locations every time I visit. I do love it here. The purpose of this visit was to see Phil Collins in Paris and then maximize my time across the Atlantic. I only have two full days left, and I think I can say "mission accomplished": 6 countries in 17 days, four concerts by two of my favorite performers (more on the Adele concerts in another post), visits with old friends, mostly gorgeous weather, tried some new foods. Seriously, what more could I ask for? Anyway, my stop in London was too short, but packed with walking, tube rides, theater, and traipses across the city looking for quirky things. I have been on a steady diet of Agatha Christie of a while, and wanted to make this a trip to see Christie-related things, like the play "The Mousetrap" and the Art Deco style building that was used as Poirot's flat. There was more, but I ran out of time. I went to The Cabinet War Rooms/C...