Climb ev'ry mountain

Well, not every mountain, exactly, but I do like to climb things, mainly stairs. In lieu of any great adventure any time soon, here are some things I've climbed: Most recently, today in fact, I climbed the 35 flights of the AT&T Building in downtown Minneapolis, and treated myself to a caramel-pecan roll. Rock on: This past June, I climbed up the 387 steps of Notre Dame, the only way to see the chimeras: I also walked down the 300 steps of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona; you have to take an elevator up. I walked partially up Arthur's seat in Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2006, I climbed the first two level of the Eiffel tower, over 600 steps...because I was cheap and didn't want to wait in the queue. It seemed like a great idea at the time. Looking down during the climb to the top of St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City. I didn't want to pay the 4 Euros at the time to take an elevator. ...