Going to a Gogh Gogh

Posts, and events worthy of a post, have been far and few between, so I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to have something so wonderful to post. The Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit is making it's way across the country and is in the Twin Cities through the end of October (it was recently extended). It is a beautiful digital presentation of Van Gogh's works, like Sunflowers, Starry Night, The Postman , various self-portraits choreographed to a soundtrack that includes Edith Piaf, Thom Yorke and other atmospheric pieces, classic and modern. The exhibit is in a great warehouse space on Central Avenue in Minneapolis. We availed ourselves of the valet parking in the front of the entrance and had our masks and electronic tickets handy and walked right in. The tickets are for a specific time, and my friend got us premium tickets which included a seat cushion, which we turned in at the end for a groovy poster from the exhibit. Apparently, we were fortunate in that our Minneapolis host ...