Westward Ho! First stop - Mitchell, South Dakota

My friend, TB2, and I have taken road trips the last four or five years, and those antics have been chronicled in these virtual pages. Nothing has been quite like this, almost six days on the road, hoping for good weather since we were going to be outside most of the time. I've been wanting to head to South Dakota for a few years, and she and I started talking about doing it after last year's trip to the Mississippi headwaters. We waited until mid-October, hoping that whatever families were out traveling would be back home for school, limiting opportunities for me to be a cranky witch. It sort of worked. I thought we might cancel after COVID-19 started spiking in South Dakota because the governor doesn't believe in science. But, since we were going to be outside, we just masked up where necessary or where it made us feel safer, didn't touch things, or doused ourselves in hand sanitizer. I don't want to dwell on the no masks, but I do want to point it out: a lot of ...