Iceland - last day - walking around Reykjavik

We spent our last day, or last half day (11/26/2018), walking around the city, buying souvenirs and trying to soak it all in before we headed back to reality. I wanted to see Hallgrimskirkja, a parish church in the National Church of Iceland, which is Evangelical Lutheran. The church was built in the late 1940s and is the tallest building in metropolitan Reykjavik. We went up to the top, via elevator, which is 73 meters high, to watch as the sun tried to break through the dark morning sky. You get incredible views of the city, the harbor and mountains and volcanoes in the distance. We made a quick stop in the Settlement Exhibition which was uncovered during excavation and contains the remnants of settlers from the 800s. It was very interesting and had several interactive components in English and Icelandic. We really lucked out with the weather on this trip; on most days it was warmer than in Minneapolis, it was sunny most of the time, with the snow and rain mostly happening when we we...