Minnesota's own - SPAM

SPAM Museum , Austin, MN For anyone who knows me, they are probably trying to figure out why I went to a museum that celebrates pork (I have not intentionally eaten pork in 30 years). I was actually wondering that same thing as my partner in crime, TB2, and I drove down I-35 to Austin, Minnesota, in the most obnoxious rain. I don't know, it was something to do, and the original plan included a stop at Bennigan's down in Clear Lake, Iowa. It was about an hour's drive from our meeting place in Northfield, and then a bit of navigating in downtown Austin (originally, we wound up at the SPAM factory, which might have put me over the edge). We strolled over and walked into the free museum where we were warmly welcomed by two women at the reception desk. The museum is full of SPAM and Hormel family history and it's self guided, although there are tours available. There are plenty of hands on exhibits, things for kids to try and climb on. There are exhibits featur...