A sequel in the making? Oh, you're still a vegetable?

The next few weeks may be pretty quiet in terms of travel stories, however the summer months hold a lot more promise as a trip to Paris, London and Edinburgh is in the planning stages. The devil is in the details and I can't wait to start working on them. In the meantime, I want to plug my book. Ten years ago I took the trip of a lifetime, spending seven weeks traveling around the world, from China to India, Greece, France and more. I was encouraged to put the experience in a book. So, I did. There is a hard copy version (really nice, but pretty expensive, if I do say so myself) and there is also a lovely digital version for your Kindle or tablet device. Think of it as a Kickstarter with the reward already guaranteed, for less than $5. Such a deal. I've been told it's a fun read. Here are some reviews on Amazon.com Click here to add to your cart on Amazon.com Looks good on a shelf