A Day Out at Niagara Falls, Canada

It had been over twenty-five years since I was last in Niagara Falls, and I can honestly say I don't remember very much. Not because it's not glorious and amazing, but it was just so long ago, and my how the place has changed. This was our 'off' day from the baseball tour, and because I didn't really know how much time we were spending here, so I didn't plan anything. This was a really spur of the moment day, and I'm surprised I didn't break into hives. The coach parked and we all disembarked and scattered to the four winds, well to the visitor center anyway. I just started walking around, taking massive amounts of photos of the Falls, which really are amazing. It was so flaming hot, and the path by the Falls is not covered, so I wore my cap and had a bottle of water. It was the weekend of Canada Day, and that may have accounted for the huge crowds, or just that it was a beautiful summer day. After walking around for a while, maybe an hour, I made a ver...