Northward Bound: Destination the Headwaters of the Mississippi

"And the Mississippi's mighty But it starts in Minnesota At a place that you could walk across With five steps down" Ghost by Emily Saliers, Indigo Girls In what has become another one of my annual traditions with one of my pals, the famous TB2, we headed out on another trek to discover the unknown, the hidden, the passed by and the overlooked. Along the way, one of us laughed so hard she started crying. We start out with an end goal and then we research what fun things might be found along the way. Your definition of fun and our definition of fun may be very different. You can see what we thought was fun on our route to and from the headwaters of the Mississippi River. Long Prairie, Todd County - Veterans Memorial Park This is a small corner lot turned into a Veterans Memorial Park, with a tribute to the Battle of Iwo Jima, but also veterans of the Korean War, Vietnam War and the more recent Gulf Wars. There is a lot of history packed into this little park. The...