Finding inspiration in the skyways

I'm not sure if this is really a traveling post, but it's my blog, so whatever. That downtown Minneapolis institution, Dayton's department store has undergone many different incarnations in the twenty-five years I've lived here. Dayton's to Marshall Field's to Macy's to being closed to finding new life as Dayton's again, but different from what it was (it's still under construction). It seemed only fitting that on the temporary walls around the construction they (who is they?) posted quotes from Minnesotans, some I had heard of and some I had not. Enjoy. The lighting was not great and sometimes I barely slowed down on my walk, sorry about that. George Draper Dayton, founder of Dayton's F. Scott Fitgerald, St. Paul native and writer Maude Hart Lovelace, Mankato native and writer Bob Dylan, singer/songwriter from Hibbing.