A new quest - for manhole covers

Sometimes I feel like a combination between Sir Gawain looking for the Holy Grail, Don Quixote tilting at windmills, and a dork. This is one of those times. I noticed many years ago that Minneapolis has some unique manhole covers, but I never did anything except enjoyed them. After my enjoyable hunt for those pianos I felt like I needed another mission. The real challenging thing (or just sad) is that I believe several of them have been removed because of the construction on Nicollet Mall. So, this may be a really short exercise, but here are the covers I found this morning, all along 6th & 7th Streets, these were between Nicollet and Hennepin Avenues. There are also a few sites that give more information: http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/minneapolis-manhole-covers and http://www.slate.com/blogs/atlas_obscura/2015/06/22/a_series_of_minneapolis_manhole_covers_mix_whimsical_design_with_urban_planning.html Enough chit chat. Here are the photos. Hot dogs and hamburgers. Pa...